Friday, 8 February 2008

Archbishop Burke Fulfilling His Office

Found the link to this on Mark Shea's blog.

I love stories like this. To see a bishop who takes seriously his role as bishop, knowing it for what it is- a mandate and participation in the authority of Christ to shepherd the sheep, feed them and protect them from wolves (not as so many bishops see themselves: managers of a transnational company)- delights me no end. An account like this makes me think back to things I've read in Eusebius, or from the years after Nicea, or in biographies of Bernard of Clairvauz or the like. To know such things still take place gives me hope. Hope that Christ still abides with His Church in the persons of His ministers. Deo gratias.

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Spe Salvi

God's principal pastor, the Pope,
Joseph Ratzinger by name,
Arrayed in his sumptuous cope,
Arises from prayer, heart aflame,
Then writes of man's hunger for hope
And the Christian's supply of the same.